Draga mea prietena, a fost o vreme cind, fiecare in felul ei, dar atit de “la fel”, atit de “impreuna”, eram cam asa …
I was a rebel from the day I left school
Grew my hair long and broke all the rules
I’d sit and listen to my records all day
With big ambitions of where I could play
My parents taught me what life was about
So I grew up the type they warned me about
They said my friends were just a unruly vibe
And I should, get a haircut and get a real job
Am rezistat noi cit am rezistat, insa toata lumea continua sa ne spuna:
Get a haircut and get a real job
Clean your act up and dont be a slob
Get it together like your big brother Bob
Why dont you, get a haircut and get a real job
Incapatinate, amindoua, am incercat sa mai pastram ceva din iluzia libertatii, chiar daca doar in vise, ori in amintiri, ori in niscai posturi naive, ori doar in imaginatia noastra…
I even tried that nine to five scene
I told myself that it was all a bad dream
I found a band with some good songs to play
Now I party all night and sleep all day
I might this chick, she was my number one fan
She took me home to meet her mommy and dad
They took one look at me and said “oh my god”
Get a haircut and get a real job
Dupa atitia ani, despre mine ce sa-ti spun, decit…ca seman mult cu “my big brother Bob”…
I hit the bigtime with my rock and roll band
The futures brighter now then I ever planned
Im ten times richer then my big brother Bob
He’s got a haricut and got a real job
Asa ca, stii ce ai de facut… 🙂
Get a real job, why dont you get a real job,
get a real job, why dont you get a real job
Cu toata dragostea, Stefana ta, careia nu-i vine sa creada ca esti doar la citeva ore de mers cu masina si care abia asteapta sa te revada…
Ahh, draga mea Shtefana… imi vine sa-ti sar in brate acum. Cum le mai stii tu pe toate, ca un om mare :)))
Da, uite ca s-a intamplat si asta. Abia astept sa va vad si sa va pot privi in ochi si sa va imbratisez cu tot dorul anilor trecuti peste noi.
Multumesc frumos si plecaciune…
Oana ( ok..Nusha :p )
Tot copil ma vezi tu…Cred ca vei avea o surpriza, daca nu chiar un shoc 🙂
Se pare ca doar eu n-am crescut prea mult 😀 …dar nu-i bai … Eu cam asa simt inca http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c7gUvKwBkw&feature=related